How to calculate my IPV6

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fr:Comment calculer mon IPV6 en:How to calculate my IPV6 es:Cómo calcular mi IPV6 pt:Como calcular meu IPV6 it:Come calcolare il mio IPV6 nl:Hoe bereken mijn IPV6 de:Wie meine IPV6 zu berechnen zh:如何计算我的 IPV6 ar:كيفية حساب بي IPV6 ja:私の IPV6 を計算する方法 pl:Jak obliczyć mój IPV6 ru:Как рассчитать мой IPV6 ro:Cum de a calcula meu IPV6 he:כיצד לחשב את IPV6
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fr:Comment calculer mon IPV6 es:Cómo calcular mi IPV6 he:כיצד לחשב את IPV6 ro:Cum de a calcula meu IPV6 ru:Как рассчитать мой IPV6 pl:Jak obliczyć mój IPV6 ja:私の IPV6 を計算する方法 ar:كيفية حساب بي IPV6 zh:如何计算我的 IPV6 de:Wie meine IPV6 zu berechnen nl:Hoe bereken mijn IPV6 it:Come calcolare il mio IPV6 pt:Como calcular meu IPV6 en:How to calculate my IPV6

I need to know the IPv6 linked to my dedicated Server

This is applicable for all the Server dedicated physical or virtual.

Your IPv6 can be calculated like this :

Here is the form ogf your IPv6 address : 2a00:c70:1:XXX:XXX:XXX:XXX:YYYY/96

  • « XXX:XXX:XXX:XXX : » will be the current IPv4 address of your Server
  • « YYYY » are your available addresses ranging from 0000 to FFFF

Example : will become: 2a00:c70:1:213:246:15:222:1

In order to calculate your gateway :

The address of your gateway will be in the form 2a00:c70:1:XXX:XXX:XXX::1

PS : don't forget to add the DNS part, otherwise you will not have dns resolution in IPV6.

Which should give a block like this:

iface eth0 inet6 static
        address 2a00:c70:1:213:246:56:94:1/96
        gateway 2a00:c70:1:213:246:56::1

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